About Us

We have immense love for coding. We love to create unique concepts we like to work on new ideas. Innovation and Simplicity make us happy!!

Who are we

Who are we
We are way forward.


Our Mission
Our mission is to provide support for making in India and contribute your knowledge to stay updated.


Our Goals
We believe that a big ocean is formed by one tiny drop of water. The future is changing and we are like to be part of it to make you growing and updating your knowledge to fulfill your dreams.


Why Us?
We help those who find code is difficult to learn and want to grasp new technology. We believe that learning should be easy and exciting and that is the main reason behind starting Code Chakra.

About Me

I am Shreyas Deshpande and I have been teaching coding for about 2yr and do have code experience for a long time. Now I share my knowledge on code chakra. Now I work as an Online and Offline Instructor. My specialties are with .net, WordPress,react-native

Creator of Code Chakra


Happy Clients

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Amazing Experience

Fusce at nisi eget dolor rhoncus facilisis. Mauris ante nisl, consectetur et luctus et, porta ut dolor. Curabitur ultricies ultrices nulla. Morbi blandit nec est vitae dictum. Etiam vel consectetur diam.